What are Food Allergies and treatment?

What are Food Allergies and treatment?


Allergy doctors say when the body response to allergens in food (such as tomatoes, strawberries, shellfish, milk, tree nuts and eggs) cause the defense system to have an allergic reaction, raising the level of histamine in the blood. The protein in the food cannot be broken down during the cooking procedure, or by the acid in the intestinal digestive enzymes or stomach. The allergens enter into the gastrointestinal lining, then the bloodstream and cause allergic feedback throughout the body and hit the defense system. For some people, these foods can cause them to go into anaphylactic surprise. About three percent of adults and eight percent of children have clinically verified allergic reactions. Kids may grow out of their food allergies, but adults do not. Most food allergies are genetic and generally, both parents have food allergies.

Symptoms of food allergies

Do you have any of these symptoms, mainly after you eat wheat or drink milk?

  • Gas
  • Bloating
  • Acid reflux
  • Diarrhea
  • Cravings for excessive caffeine, carbonated drinks, or alcohol
  • A craving for spicy food, fatty or chocolate

Most people don’t understand that have food sensitivities. It generally starts off with food cravings; sugar, nuts, dairy, corn, wheat, sugar, etc. Food intolerance causes weight gain that would not come off the person removes the issue foods from their diet.

Medical intervention

A simple food allergy test can be obtained at your doctors, immunologist or allergist office. A little amount of food extract, generally starting with the most general allergens – dairy, wheat, nuts, corn, and soy – is injected into the skin, If the skin feedbacks in the form of the hive, this is a sign of food allergy. For more solid testing, blood is drawn to look an antibody known as immunoglobulin E. this antibody indicates a broad range of food sensitivities.

Your doctor will ask a number of questions such as:

  • Is there a family history of food allergies?
  • How much food do you eat before there is an allergic feedback?
  • How much time after eating do you feel bad?
  • What foods are making feel painful?

Getting started

You can begin to pinpoint your food triggers by making a food diary. Chances are best your doctor want you to keep a food diary for about 2 months. By keeping a food diary is very easy, all you need is a little notebook and a pen or mobile application. Record everything you have eaten including garnishes, condiments, additives, fats, beverages, brand names, ingredients, and quantity. The allergy doctor advice trying to eliminating one food at a time for 2 to 3 weeks and slowly reintroduces it back into your diet.

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