History And Types Of Chimneys

Home Improvements
History And Types Of Chimneys


Before heading to your rooftop and getting your tools prepared for chimney cleaning sit down and think for a second. Have you ever thought about why were chimneys introduced in the first place? What exactly happened back in the day that people had to come up with this kind of invention? What ramifications will we have to deal with for improper usage? To answer all these questions, we have put together some historical facts which will help you to put the pieces together.

History of Chimney Sweeping

In Europe, prior to twelfth century, chimneys were constructed in such a design that could draw out smoke from houses. Unfortunately, these chimneys were brutally destroyed due to the earthquake that hit in 1347 but somehow reestablished in Padua by 1368. The upper-class lords used to have chimneys during Tudor England. It has also been mentioned that Queen Elizabeth I female guests were often sent to neighbor homes who had the facility of a chimney while common folks continued to light fire on a clay or brick base eventually drawing a ton of smoke into their rooms.

Unlike today, where we can avail services from chimney repair companies for annual inspection and chimney cleaning, common people back in the day used to build cheaper chimneys made of waddle and daub, a woven wooden structure covered by mud, straw, clay and dung which kept their chimneys susceptible to fire. People called these chimneys “dangerous” in the early seventeenth century and demanded that mortar and brick must be used for their construction. They also demanded that the chimneys must be four and a half feet above the roof. All the chimneys in England were rebuilt with mortar and bricks by 1719 while in America people continued with the former design. However, by 1789 the chimneys in America also reestablished as the president of Washington took notice of the new and sustainable design and decided to make a change.

For a long time, people faced trouble regarding smoke in the houses. Using bricks did not help in eliminating the smoke. Therefore, scientists started exploration on a wider scale to find a solution, since smoke was a very dangerous trait to human being. By the early eighteenth century, scientists were able to speculate a theory. The theory suggested that fluids tend to move from warmer regions to colder regions, however, if a route is provided leading to colder regions then the smoke will eventually follow it into the cold air outside. This is how modern folks got the idea of a chimney to keep themselves safe from smoke.

Types of Chimneys

You are most likely to find two types of chimneys in different houses namely, fireplace chimneys and stove chimneys. For your better understanding we have further classified these types.

  1. Fireplace Chimneys
  • Masonry Fireplace Chimneys

Made by brick masons, the masonry fireplace chimney is made of brick or stone, cement block, mortar and clay fuel tiles for liner.

  • Factory-Built Fireplace Chimneys

This chimney is built in factories and is smaller in size. Some of these chimneys also have a blower built inside for efficient elimination of smoke. The pipe of this chimney is made of metal flue to draw smoke out of the house. The fireplace usually has a metal around the firebox which is pretty visible when you look past the damper.

  • Fireplace Insert Chimneys

It is a special chimney which is designed for an open masonry fireplace. In it, the insert must always be smaller than fireplace outlet. The fireplace is sealed with the help of an extended surround panel connected to the stove.

  1. Stove Chimneys
  • Free Standing Stove Chimneys:

These chimneys are very special and free stoves can only be attached to the chimneys which are built for this purpose only. These chimneys can either be masonry fireplace or factory-built metal system, if they are tested, designed and listed for use with the hardwood burning tools then it’s all good to go. Also make sure to approve chimney parts and make necessary installments with the help of chimney repair companies.

Many of us fail to notice some of the very common features of our homes and chimney is one of them. We must always pay attention to problems our chimney might be dealing with. Chimney cleaning and inspection are crucial steps to keep your house highly maintained and up to date. Chimney repair companies annapolis are always there to help you in rainy days, literally.

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