Custom web design vs. website templates

Custom web design vs. website templates


If you’re thinking of building your own website, you may be wondering about the differences between custom web design and ready-made website templates.  There are benefits and drawbacks to each option, and we want to help make you aware of all the pluses and minuses before you make a final decision on which route to take.

Custom web design is most highly recommended for those with a working background in website building.  There are many aspects that are involving in building a new website, including HTML coding, CSS coding, link building and search engine optimization.  If you choose to go with a custom-made web design, there is no doubt that your page will have a very original and organic feel to it.  Your page will be very distinguishable from all other related pages, which will have a great impact on how many people ultimately view your site.  Using SEO (search engine optimization) in your custom web design will also positively influence the web traffic flowing to your webpage!


Of course, while custom pages are ideal, they are also harder to maintain.  If you are short on time or manpower, a custom web design may not be the smartest option.  Website templates are recommended for those with less experience in graphic design and website building.  With a ready-made template, you can be sure all of the HTML coding used is correct and will lead your visitors exactly where they are trying to go.  Coming up with a complete unique web design can be difficult – however, that difficulty doesn’t come into play when you choose a website template.  With ready-made templates, you are able to select a web design that suits your company without having to write the actual codes yourself.


While website templates are often easier to manipulate than custom web designs, you have to keep in mind that there will be a large number of other websites featuring your same design.  This will detract from the unique quality of your website, possible turning off some visitors.  However, if your information is presented in a clear and concise way, the design of your website won’t matter as much!  Whether you select a custom web design or a website template, the success of your business will rely mainly on your successful interactions with your client base.

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Written by AtiBiz